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BP #13: RE2PECT and Farewell, Captain

Eichel Davis

Mr. November. Mr. 3000. He has been called many things over his 20 Year career. But most memorably, he was called Captain, because of his inspiring leadership skills and unbelievable play of the game.

No one would have guessed how Derek Jeter would end his career in the Bronx. Maybe he would be pulled before the game ended, to allow a proper goodbye. Maybe he would be replaced sooner. But no. If Jeter was going out, he was going out with a bang. After having a record-setting last game, The Captain smashed a walk off single, to lift the Yankees to victory. And the rest is fairly new history. Never have I seen a crowd so amped in my life, and I was kind of disappointed I didn’t see the field rushed. Come on New York!

Anyway, with nearly 3500 hits, and a winning percentage over .500, it's no question that Jeter was a dominant force in baseball. And today, the day after Mr. November wowed the world with a dramatic exit we look back on his astounding career. But instead of calling on all the statistics that made him great, or looking back at the hundreds of greatest moments, today we look at the man as a whole. Because if Derek Jeter was ever anything, it was a complete and total player.


3,463 hits. 8 200+ hit seasons. 17 consecutive 150+ hit seasons. 200 postseason hits. Its impossible to deny Derek Jeter’s dominance in the game. At the plate, he was amazing. At shortstop, he was revolutionary. Many say he’s the best there ever was. And its hard to deny such a player that title .


Its no secret that Jeter was a humble person. His humility is one of the things that made him great. In interviews he was quick to answer questions about his team. But when it came to him, he only wanted to be admired as part of his team. And while it was unavoidable at times, given the many great individual moments, Jeter was almost always never about himself.


Of all his greatness, of all his traits, at his core he was a leader. It earned him his signature nickname, and catapulted him to the poster boy of Yankee Kingdom. He led them to FIVE World Series Championships and countless postseason games. But on a more personal sense, he led them in the locker room. He led onto and off the field. He helped them stay strong when they were broken, and joined in their celebration when they were unstoppable.

His career will be remembered for all of time, and his legacy will never fade. His Hall of Fame status is not even a question. I doubt another Yankee will ever wear the number 2 again. And he, The Captain, will always be held deep in our hearts. As a Cardinal fan, who is not very fond of the Yankees, I can appreciate all Derek Jeter did for baseball. Hell, I can idolize it. I can relish it. Because while there have been great players before him, and there will be great players after him, there will never be anyone quite like him. A man of such greatness and humility, that it is an insult to consider him only the Yankee’s Captain. No. He was our Captain. The champion for all of baseball. And we give our RE2PECT, and say Farewell.

Goodbye Mr. November,


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