Eichel Davis
4 min read
Not Me, Us.
Anyone who knows me knows I love people. To me, people should be the center of everything we do. People should be the reason we get up...

Eichel Davis
3 min read
Dear Christians, Enough Is Enough.
An open letter to the Christian Community... My faith and being a Christian something I hold very dear to my heart. I love my faith. I...

Eichel Davis
5 min read
Fox News Is Everything Wrong With Our Country
This will be the first in a series of things I’m going to write over the course of the next few weeks. A few weeks ago one of my friends...

Eichel Davis
3 min read
Fleeting Time
I can’t stop thinking about it. Time. Right now, Time seems like a cruel joke, long and short all at the same time. Those who deserve it,...

Eichel Davis
4 min read
When Happens After
Where do we start? It’s the question that I ask myself all the time. These last few months have been hard for so many reasons. They’ve...

Eichel Davis
2 min read
It’s been awhile. I haven’t written a word in a few months. I’ve been enjoying writing retirement to an extent. But today, I need to...

Eichel Davis
3 min read
Home, Sweet Home
My family has lived in the same area for almost 50 years. Generations have grown up on Airport and Hanley. We’ve had Christmases,...

Eichel Davis
3 min read
The Finale.
I can’t believe we’re here. The end. When I started this blog, I hadn’t even taken my first class at the University of Missouri. I had...

Eichel Davis
4 min read
#TheFinal14 | Thank You Note
Tomorrow, our story together will come to an end. This blog started as a place to inspire, help, and change. It started as a place of...

Eichel Davis
2 min read
#TheFinal14 | Blind: A Short (Short) Story
They stood in the middle of the crowded place as life bustled around them. It whipped through the air with sounds and deafening actions....