BP #28: Back To My Roots
When I started this thing, I made a promise to myself. I made a promise to all the readers, to never worry about numbers. I said I would never worry about success. But as I went along, I realized that that notion was a far off dream, one that I wanted to achieve. One that I want to achieve. But right now, I realized that I faltered on that promise.
I failed this blog.
Now before you all Arrow on me (a must watch show by the way), lets get into something. I started to post this closer to New Years, but I hate New Year New Me crap, so I decided to wait a little bit. I think the new year does offer some pretty new starts. New semester. New opportunities. But the one thing is does not offer is a new you. Theres no such thing. You can’t go knock on your Creator’s door, and ask for a do-over everything 365 days. If you could, I would have figured out the key to immense wealth by now, and I wouldn’t be in so much debt (Thanks MIZ).
But I do believe that with all the reflecting that goes on around this time of year allows us to examine the person we are, and propose changes to ourselves. Whether it by losing weight, and getting back to that hobby, things can change around this time of year. But for me, everything I do the same thing. I think of a phrase or a theme to guide my year. In 2013, it was all about becoming something more. I was in the middle of redefining myself, and my writing. Last year, it was all about looking back, and moving forward, something that was a huge part of my year. I finished high school, and started college. I finished one book series, and continued another. 2014 was all about remembering, and making new memories to remember. But for 2015, I knew I had a great chance to do something different. I’m not changing much in my life this year. I’m not adding a new branch to this blog. I’m only putting out one book. So I am at a spot that I haven’t really been at in years. So I’ve chosen to make this year all about one thing. I’m going Back To My Roots.
You see, when I first started writing, it was just about the content. There was no pressure for views. There were no numbers involved. And while the content was shaky (I was in 8th Grade), the passion was very raw. It was just about me. And it time to get back to that. I’m not saying I am going to think only about me. I have just decided to make improvements to myself that make sense for myself. Change is one of life’s greatest gifts, especially when its within yourself.
So now what? Well...I don’t know. You see its hard to pinpoint moments in the future. Life makes it impossible. But I know this. There will be a few curve balls. A few moments of weakness. A few days you want to forget. But as long as you keep your mind on the right things, and your heart in the right place, everything else will follow. Everything else will simply fall into place. And who knows, you might end up in a different place altogether. Somewhere...extraordinary.
Going Back To My Roots,