BP #29: The Man Crush

Every guy has the moment. Maybe you were watching a youtube video. Maybe you saw a movie. What ever you was, you realized in that moment, you really liked what another dude was doing with his life. That turned into you following that person on twitter. That turned into you following them in the news, which led to you seeing (and loving) everything they do. You have developed a fairly new addiction in the world of bros. You have a man crush bro.
Now a man crush is different than its counterpart, mainly because there is rarely any crushing going on. No romantic thoughts. No actual crushing. Just an appreciation of sorts.
Tom Brady was the first man crush of many bros across the world. He had the girl, the rings, the swag. Everyone wanted to be him. But since that wasn’t possible, they settled for admiring him from afar, geeking over his every move.
So what makes up a man crush? Well in its basic form, a man crush is the admiration of another male. So you gotta have something to admire. Most of the time, when it comes to celebrities, its the work they put on the public. If your man crush involves a singer, every album they put out will be your new favorite. And if its an actor, you’ve seen most of his movies. And in regards to sports, they can be the most loyal of man crushes. He could lose the World Series for his team, and you would still say he’s the man.
But as the man crush has evolved, and grown, in the past years, more things have come to define the feeling. One of them, is unrelenting loyalty. No matter what they do, a guy is loyal to his man crush. The guy makes a bad album, its just a fluke. Guy makes bad film, he was just experimenting. Guy has bad game, etc. etc. No matter what your MC does, you have the perfect explanation for it. He could probably murder someone. You would just shrug your shoulders, and say, “He was having a bad day” (Please dont ever do this). Add in a few things like swagger, a little bit of cockyness, and a dash of bromantic behavior, and you have a guy prime for man crushing.
We’ve talked about man crushes, a pretty simple concept, to a long extent. So now, its time to reveal mine. I actually only have two man crushes in my life. I know, player right? First is Mr. Timberlake. My MC on Justin started in 2012, and turned into full fledge crushing in 2013, when he released his new album. It instantly became my favorite, and he instantly became one of my favorite artist. Any movie, album, tv show he touches, I fall in love with. But come on, don’t we all. The other might come to as a surprise. Dylan OBrien stars as Stiles in Teen Wolf. He is certainly my favorite actors on the show, and is definitely one of the best actor of his generation. And you can’t help but love his humor.
Is the Man Crush real? Of course it is. Its never been realer. Its never been bigger. So now, get to it. Go find that special guy, guys.