2017: Change

We’ve had some glorious times together. We’ve shared plenty of stories, and worked through many of issues.
But times, they are changing. 2017 I will start the end of my college career, and in turn, the end of an era for CWPublications. From the beginning, it was about creating and telling stories. And that will never change. But as I get ready to embark on a whole new chapter of my life, I have come to realize that some things are meant to change. Because change always provokes greatness.
Which is why in 2017, I will release book number 10, the final Varsity novel, and the final book in a line of works I started a long time ago, at least for now. Will I write again? Probably. But that day is not in my visions right now. It’s not in my plans.
Mind to Site Blog will also begin its final bow in 2017. The blog was thought of as a way to diary my experiences of college life, and life in general as I started at Mizzou. And it was provided me with so much pride and admiration for myself. It became bigger, and better, than I could have imagine, partly thanks to the 25K visitors we had in the first three years. So as I wrap up my time here at Mizzou, it’s only fitting that Mind To Site has its swan song as well. But don’t worry, everything I wrote will always be available, for the ones who will come after to see, and read, and learn from.
For now, that is all. I don’t mourn the things that are passing, but instead I look on with great envy that I got to create something so special, and so impactful. From 10 novels, to over 60 posts, it’s been a ride I will cherish for years.
And it’s about to get the ending it truly deserves.
More Info Soon,
Eichel | @EichelGDavis